Vagabond Bowties

Born from classic tradition * Raised on American style * Made with repurposed materials

"Foggy Goggle" Vagabond Re-Born

Sale Price:$18.00 Original Price:$36.00
16vr20 100 perc. wool exclusive ornamentation -Botany Mills, USA (2).JPG
16vr20 100 perc. wool exclusive ornamentation -Botany Mills, USA (1).JPG
16vr20 100 perc. wool exclusive ornamentation -Botany Mills, USA (3).JPG

"Foggy Goggle" Vagabond Re-Born

Sale Price:$18.00 Original Price:$36.00

100 perccent wool exclusive ornamentation -Botany Mills, USA

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100 perccent wool exclusive ornamentation -Botany Mills, USA